
5 ways to Push your Limits

 " Fail to push past your limits and you’ll leave your dreams unrealized" The only thing stopping you from reaching your goals and dreams are your limits. It’s when you meet the limits that you feel resistance and things you want seem harder to achieve. Whether it is fear, doubt, physical abilities or some other mental block, it can present a huge barrier to getting what you want. 1. Find someone to help push you Just that little bit of support encouraging you to keep going in the face of resistance can mean so much. Having someone on your side can counter-balance any  negative thinking you might have . They can tell you to do more and push you into doing things outside of your comfort zone. 2.Work on your weaknesses Where there are weaknesses, there are limits. Think about a marathon runner. They won’t be able to train very well for a marathon if they can’t find a good running stride or have bad nutrition. These are big areas of weakness that just makes

Markhor (A PAKISTANI SHOE BRAND) Success Story

College dropout Waqas Ali cofounded Markhor, a luxury men's shoe brand to promote Pakistan's indigenous shoe craft. The brand retails online, cutting out the middle-man and helping small-time artisans make a profit. Initially funded through a Kickstarter campaign, Markhor has worked with over 100 craftsmen and craftswomen in the country. Markhor is the first Pakistani startup to be accepted into -- and backed by -- Y Combinator. In 2012, the duo launched Markhor — an online shoe brand that connects indigenous shoe-making craftsmen to global customers — but their journey was not a walk in the park. “The idea started with our small digital media company that provided assistance to people who were not familiar with technology. We would train them on how to use the internet for communication and business proposals,” recalls Ali. It was during this time that they first met Hussain who was striving to keep the craft of shoe-making alive and was convinced the internet was

Unsung Heroes :Faizan Buzdar

A   graduate of GIKI, Faizan Buzdar is the CEO and founder of Convo, a provider of cloud-based digital collaboration workspaces for companies, and their teams, where the visual conversations around multiple files, content, and images are critical to advancing business. Convo eliminates the need to jump in and out of emails and applications and accelerates how teams share information, collaborate on work and make decisions. Faizan is a hands-on executive, entrepreneur and product leader who possesses a unique combination of skills in technology, engineering, and interactive design. What has driven Faizan in his years of product development is the application of a human-driven approach to product design: great products are designed for people, by people. Faizan is known for leading cross-functional teams across multiple locations around the globe. This experience has shaped how he developed Convo: to fully support a fast-moving, agile, globally-dispersed business beyon

Unsung Heroes:Dr. Umar Saif (Top 35 Innovators)

Dr . Umar Saif was named one of the top 35 innovators of the world who is radically transforming technology by the Massachusetts Institute of Technolo gy in August 2011. Along with being known for his work on using Informa tion and Communications Technology solutions for developing world problems, he is also a part of the faculty at the Lahore University of Management Sciences, the founding vice-chancellor of the Information Technology University Punjab and established one of the first start-up incubators in Pakistan. Umar Saif is leading a digital insurgency in Pakistan, bringing transparency to governance, through his shock and awe approach to public-sector reform. The impact of his intervention is rooted in its outrageous simplicity, for example, ghost schools are a problem that has plagued Pakistan for a long time. Why not take selfies with attendance registers at schools via independent inspectors and upload them in real time to monitor the presence and effectiveness o

Unsung Heroes:SHAH(Boxer)

From the footpaths of Karachi’s Lyari to the Bronze Medal Stand of Seoul Summer Olympics 1988, Syed Hussain Shah has had a tiring yet fulfilling journey burdened with challenges and difficulties. However, all the childhood hitches and early troubles failed to pull him back from his dreams and led him to what no other Pakistan could have achieved.  He’s not just a boxer in the rink but a fighter against troubles of life. He started off as a homeless laborer in Karachi and sits proudly as a professional boxing trainer in Tokyo, with Pakistan’s highest civil award Sitara I Imtiaz pinned to his shoulder and countless medals to his credit for his impeccable realm for a decade on the international boxing front. Born on August 14, 1964, he is a story in himself; an inspiration that reminds us of the glory this country possesses. He was poor, he had little clothes, and sometimes no food at all. He would sleep on the streets and at times do a job here and labor there to earn himself a day

The Wolf of Wall Street

This movie is based totally on the story of a person who began with a brokerage firm but driven by way of greed and corruption, his circle of relatives and enterprise all went the downhill. it's far based on a real story of John Belfort played by means of the actor Leonardo DiCaprio. the director of the film martin scorese has created a movie that focuses on black comedy crime and analyzes that Stratton Oakmont, on which the film is based, it is shown that he became worried in rampant corruption and committed fraud with various organizations. This film makes people aware of the cybercrimes and teaches instructions regarding economic elements. the main superstar of the film Leonardo DiCaprio, played the position of Jordan Belfort who had various companions in addition to business companions involved with him in order that corruption can be achieved in a clever way whereas pals and family were involved in doing corruption with the website online. the problems got investigated

Our Education System is Producing Workers Instead of Thinkers ,Innovators and Leaders

Imagine an education system where up to a certain grade, all subjects are taught. Based on students grades in the subjects, students are given a choice to pursue their education in future grades. Alongside these compulsory subjects, some optional subjects are also taught such as life, relationship, money or perhaps success. I believe students will have a better chance of succeeding in practical life after completing their education. The reason why I have expressed my views about the education system is that there is something wrong with the current system. It is not producing thinkers, innovators, and even leaders. I believe, it is only focused on producing workers and that too, the best of the best with excellent grades. This is why there is a big gap between the industry and academia. Those who are a misfit to sail through grades afters grades just because they can't ace a few subjects which they don't even like studying, such students are unable to p