
Showing posts from January, 2019

Importance of Social Networking in Life

Everyone should do social media networking. It helps to build better connections which play an instrumental role in Growth in life. When you join hands with people, everyone benefits, it’s a win-win situation for all stakeholders involved. Knowledge Share Networking helps us learn from other peoples experiences. It’s good in the way that you do not have to go through a bad experience in life as someone has already gone through. Networking also gives you access to a wealth of knowledge and experience. The people in your network will likely come from a wide variety of backgrounds, meaning they’ll offer a broad range of perspectives and possess a deep well of wisdom from which you can draw. When you have a strong network, you have a support team—people you can turn to for guidance, advice or assistance. Together you can share best practices. You become as much a resource for them as they are for you. The Hidden (Informal) Job Market Networking gives you access to


Peace has finally returned to Pakistan. If you don’t believe us, just look at the volume of foreign tourists who visited the country last year and spoke wonders about it. Even top vloggers of the world like Mark Weins and Eva Zu Beck are visiting Pakistan because now they know Pakistan isn’t what the Western media shows.  Eva Zu Beck celebrating the beauty of Pakistan that has for long fallen prey to negligence by foreign tourists following the country’s uncertain security situations.“This wasn’t the country I’d been told about by western media. This was a country of profound emotion, profound struggle, profound beauty. And I opened my heart to it, and come to  Pakistan. Recently Two Italian women visited Peshawar and really enjoyed their time in the city. They went to various historical and cultural spots in the city of traditions and instantly fell in love with its people and heritage. Laura and Dara tried everything they could in Peshawar ranging from food, trying out

Wastage Of Food in Pakistan !!!!!!!

In Pakistan, enough food is produced to feed the entire population but because of food waste, an estimated 6 out of 10 people go to bed hungry. On the Global Hunger Index out of 118 developing countries, Pakistan is ranked at 107. A marriage in a country like Pakistan is an occasion where people spend lavishly. Even those hailing from the middle class consider it an opportunity to display their fortunes in the form of dresses, jewelry, and great dinners.  Nowadays, a new trend has been set where people find more convenient to arrange the wedding ceremony at marriage halls. Most of the people know the importance of food wastage but when it comes to a wedding ceremony, they forget that many people are food-insecure. As they want their weddings and dinners exceptional so they prepare plenty of dishes so that guests can enjoy sumptuous meals. Ultimately it results in the wastage of food. On the other side, people at wedding ceremonies accumulate a heavy quantity of food in th

Career Counseling The Need of Hour

The days of sporting a bulky profile in print format and knocking doorways for jobs are long gone. the world has extensively changed with digitization and technology. professional requirements dictate all careers and consequently, interest is a driving thing behind the choice of career. be it the activity of a teacher, an engineer, a physician, an educated, a sports instructor anything else you want to have entire knowledge of what the move involves and if you’d be interested in doing what it takes. With a lot of confusion in the regard, counseling at college level plays an important role in developing good career prospects. Career counseling is basically a process to understand yourself as well as the world of work better in order to make career and life decisions. It is more than just what you want to earn after you graduate.  Career counseling can help people to navigate crossroads in their lives. Pakistani youth of the twenty-first century is living in an era of

People follows Passion are more Successful

Successful people win because they love what they do. All of them have a very strong desire to succeed. They have passion for their field, their business.Passion is the single fastest way to spur yourself to massive success. It is something you love. Something you're excited about. Something you get up early to work on or to stay up late. It has long been said that "What you enjoy, you do well". The crucial difference between a successful businessman and a poor one is that the former loves the work of business management and the latter does not.The value of passion  has been widely recognized. Passion is the key to you succeeding. Many innovation centers, companies large and small have started shifting their management practices to accommodate or support knowledge work and help their people express passion of their own. Sundar Pichai Story(Follow Your Passion) Find your true passion and do what you love to do. "Sometimes life hits you in the head


Each person is obsessed with something that drives them of their life. For some humans, the passion withers away as they develop up but most people control to maintain directly to that Passion.Each and everyone have  a Passion of doing something that makes them happy , and we usually discover it while we’re quite young. our Passion r is what we pick out to do with our time when we don't have any urgent duties and just need to experience satisfied. some of us write, some draw or paint, some sing or dance, and a few prepare dinner or bake. anything your passion is, you possibly can’t remember a time when you are doing it. "Passion is energy.Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you"                                                                                                                             Oprah Winfrey The mistake a number of human beings make in relation to their Passion is assuming that it’s no longer a viable profession opt


PSL is biggest sporting event in Pakistan and first three seasons anthem sung Ali Zafar and managed to grab the audience attention were very well received.Indeed Ali Zafar continues to grow as the heart, soul and voice of the Pakistan Super League, chosen thrice consecutively for the honor of composing, singing and performing the anthem. Pakistanis around the globe have been anticipating the release of the biggest Local Sporting event PSL. when it was announced that fawad khan turned into to sing the PSL anthem, his fanatics around the globe couldn’t be extra excited.The big day arrived and song was released All expectation of audience Collapsed like and it turns out to be horrible Dream. Shuja Haider is known for coming up with some kickass bass lines and did wondful job on Coke Studio Song Aya Lariye But this time it turns out to be disappointment people have huge expectations from both Shuja and Fawad. However Fawad tries to do best but the compostion and lyrics of