Each person is obsessed with something that drives them of their life. For some humans, the passion withers away as they develop up but most people control to maintain directly to that Passion.Each and everyone have  a Passion of doing something that makes them happy , and we usually discover it while we’re quite young. our Passion r is what we pick out to do with our time when we don't have any urgent duties and just need to experience satisfied. some of us write, some draw or paint, some sing or dance, and a few prepare dinner or bake. anything your passion is, you possibly can’t remember a time when you are doing it.

"Passion is energy.Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you" 
                                                                                                                           Oprah Winfrey

The mistake a number of human beings make in relation to their Passion is assuming that it’s no longer a viable profession option. we’re advised from parents that,in order to be respectable adults , we should go to university  and Select field that we  don't like and get a “real job.” in this case, a real job is construed as a nicely-paying position that society respects but you hate because it destroys your soul every day and your boss is a douchebag.

But Sometime, even if sparks of their dreams exist, they completely lack the confidence in themselves to take the chance, due to fear of jeopardizing their family’s financial security. What is important to note then, is that irrespective of one’s age, the support, encouragement and consistent reassurance from a trusted associate is an important attribute to following one’s passion.

If you look deeply into this theory, you will realize that all achievements – big or small – can be credited to one or more people associated with the dreamer. Here are some real-life scenarios:

• A co-founder in a startup who believed in the founder’s idea.
• An experienced football coach who can foresee a young player’s potential.
• A best friend who helped you in getting your passion.
• A teacher who identified and encouraged the math talent in a high school student.
• A sister who gave her saved cash for her brother to buy an electric guitar and start a band.
• A mother who sacrificed her Savings so her daughter could attend Football coaching.

We can say with confidence that without an associate’s consistent encouragement, there won’t be realization of one’s dreams.Try to avoid negative people in your life  and be with people of positive attitude So you have courage to pursue your Passion.


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