Career Counseling The Need of Hour

The days of sporting a bulky profile in print format and knocking doorways for jobs are long gone. the world has extensively changed with digitization and technology. professional requirements dictate all careers and consequently, interest is a driving thing behind the choice of career. be it the activity of a teacher, an engineer, a physician, an educated, a sports instructor anything else you want to have entire knowledge of what the move involves and if you’d be interested in doing what it takes.

With a lot of confusion in the regard, counseling at college level plays an important role in developing good career prospects. Career counseling is basically a process to understand yourself as well as the world of work better in order to make career and life decisions. It is more than just what you want to earn after you graduate. 

Career counseling can help people to navigate crossroads in their lives.

Pakistani youth of the twenty-first century is living in an era of unemployment, frustration and mental illness due to our higher education institutes that have become fail to deliver quality education and the most important, a good career counseling even in renowned universities of Pakistan. The youth of Pakistan gives blind shots in every field; he does not know about his strengths, he does not know what he wants or what he can be. He is totally following parental paths that lead him towards failure and damaged his personality as well as future.

The primary motive of the parents is to get their children good grades. They want to admit their kids to professional institutes from where they can get degrees to earn loads of money. Parents are only concerned about the status and what people might say about it. They live their entire lives competing for the rat race and want to do the same for their children. Every parent you meet; they want their children to become an Engineer or a Doctor. They think that their child does not have many career options available.

A career counseling session helps you understand your traits. You can know your strengths and weaknesses to see which job will suit you best. It is important for you to choose a profession that you like. If you get into a profession just for the sake of earning more money, you may not like it. If you do not like your profession, you will not be able to become very successful at it.


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