Eliminate these 5 cancer-causing foods to reduce your risk

Many cancers have a high chance of cure if detected early and treated adequately. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), between 30-50 percent of cancers can currently be prevented by avoiding risk factors and implementing existing evidence-based prevention strategies.

Cancer has been linked to a number of factors such as obesity, sudden weight gain or weight loss, bad eating habits, stress and lack of exercise being some of them. By eating healthy, we can reduce the chances of developing cancer. Here are some foods you would want to eliminate or consume in moderation to prevent or reduce your risk of cancer.

Packed Food
A diet high in packed food (ready to eat) are low in antioxidants. Antioxidants present in fresh fruits, vegetables and pulses help to scavenge free radicals, hence, they reduce oxidative stress and cell damage. Scientists are still trying to determine how much antioxidant is required to prevent cancer. As a  general guideline, one must have 3-4 servings of fruits and 5-6 serving of vegetables per day.

Food Cooked with Reused Oil
They are high in free radicals and should be completely eliminated from the diet. Free radicals cause oxidative stress which causes damage at the cellular and molecular level. Foods prepared with reheated or reused cooking oil are very high in free radicals - e.g street food like samosa, Fries, jalebi, etc.

Red Meat
Many studies support that consuming red meat increases cancer risk. The hem iron in red meat may produce compounds that can damage cells, causing cancer. Moreover, processed meat contains nitrate that has been linked to certain cancers.
Bad Carbohydrates
Foods with high glycemic index (GI) have been linked to increased cancer risk. It is best to avoid refined flour, fruit juices, soft drinks etc.
Acidic PH
There are a few studies which show that acidic pH increases the risk of cancer. Working on maintaining alkaline pH in the body by having a fruit and vegetable rich-diet and elimination of meat, poultry and milk may help in doing so.



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