7 Habits OF Highly Effective people summary (Part 1)

1st Habit: Being Proactive:

 It means taking control and causing something to happen, rather than just adapting to a situation or waiting for something to happen. Instead of reacting to or worrying about things and conditions over which they have no control, proactive people spend their time and focus on things they can actually control.

2nd Habit: Beginning with the end in mind:
This habit is based on the principle that all things are created twice. First is a mental creation and second is physical creation. The physical creation follows the mental, just like a building follows a blueprint and a map first.

3rd Habit: First thing first:

This is the habit that forces you to understand how to actually spend your time. You will get to work pro-actively and set the right priorities. First things are those things you find a lot of worth in. If you put first things first, you are managing time and organizing events according to the personal priorities.


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