MisPerception about People of Lums

Yesterday I am going through Facebook When I saw Post that gives me a reality check how we become judgemental without knowing the reality lets start the story.

I witnessed the most touching scenes I’ve seen since I’ve been a professor at LUMS. The janitorial staff staged a sit-in to be paid before Easter break. They have to go home to their families and celebrate the holiday. They needed an advance from their work. While they staged the sit-in, students not only sat with them, but they pooled money to buy the water, juice, and food. After several hours the janitors won their demands (just to clarify, LUMS has outsourced campus cleaning to MBM, these janitors were not striking against LUMS but against MBM). 

I was so moved you could have knocked me down with a feather. As you can imagine, I’ve been to uncountable strikes and protests. Very rarely have I seen people who come from privilege really care for striking workers. The press treats them like a nuisance. The police treat them like criminals. The community treats them with indifference. 

But yesterday I saw something rare and beautiful. Students whom I cynically thought wouldn’t care about such issues did all they could for the staff who works for them. Yesterday these striking janitors and students broke down my walls of cynicism. Yesterday they taught me something: The power of solidarity.


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