
A Women With Wings (An Untold Story) Al-Firdous Welfare Association

A woman with the wings is the story of a woman who stands against all odds of society to teach the children who are working in our homes in the age of their education because their parents cannot able to provide the basic necessities of life. According to Syeda Jannat she came to Pakistan on vacation when she saw a child working in a relative house that first time she thought this child also deserves to be educated. On that day she decided that she would do something for the education of poor children. Syeda Jannat-ul-Firdous with her Husband, Maqsood Naqvi made a great transition from England to BaraKaho to build a school for poor children imparting free education & skills. Miss Jannat-ul-Firdous initiated the philanthropist project of Al-Firdous School in Barakahu during the year 2012. She believed that children working in homes cannot be provided with education. For School She goes to everyone in the family to collect funds and turning a dream into reali

7 Habits OF Highly Effective people summary (Part 1)

1st Habit:  Being Proactive:  It means taking control and causing something to happen, rather than just adapting to a situation or waiting for something to happen.  Instead of reacting to or worrying about things and conditions over which they have no control, proactive people spend their time and focus on things they can actually control. 2nd Habit:  Beginning with the end in mind: This habit is based on the principle that all things are created twice. First is a mental creation and second is physical creation. The physical creation follows the mental, just like a building follows a blueprint and a map first. 3rd Habit:  First thing first: This is the habit that forces you to understand how to actually spend your time. You will get to work pro-actively and set the right priorities. First things are those things you find a lot of worth in. If you put first things first, you are managing time and organizing events according to the personal priorities.

MisPerception about People of Lums

Yesterday I am going through Facebook When I saw Post that gives me a reality check how we become judgemental without knowing the reality lets start the story. I witnessed the most touching scenes I’ve seen since I’ve been a professor at LUMS. The janitorial staff staged a sit-in to be paid before Easter break. They have to go home to their families and celebrate the holiday. They needed an advance from their work. While they staged the sit-in, students not only sat with them, but they pooled money to buy the water, juice, and food. After several hours the janitors won their demands (just to clarify, LUMS has outsourced campus cleaning to MBM, these janitors were not striking against LUMS but against MBM).  I was so moved you could have knocked me down with a feather. As you can imagine, I’ve been to uncountable strikes and protests. Very rarely have I seen people who come from privilege really care for striking workers. The press treats them like a nuisance. The police

How to Get More Orders on Fiver

In order to get orders on fiver, you should do the following things... Use the professional title, images, and your unique description, tags are many important for the gig. Send 10 buyers to request every day because you will get impression clicks and views on your gig just because of sending the request.  Promote gigs on social. media or share anywhere from where you got traffic Do follow top-rated sellers and compare your gig. Most important is your skills. You should have a complte grip on your skills. Fiver is a market and your gig is a shop in it. You have to create your shop unique in order to get the attention of your customers because you have great competition in the fiver market.

Pakistan doesn't Need any "Gora Influencers" We have Our own Great Influencers

Pakistan doesn't need any "Gora influencers" to validate how beautiful this country is. We have already plenty of fine photographers and Influencers who capture the beauty of this land. We have the media outlets like Mooro, Irfan Junejo, Art by Wasif and Ukhano, Pakistan Travel Tourism and many more. We just need to get over the  "Gora complex" and give celebrity status to our own Travel vloggers, bloggers with their storytelling and videos. It was unfortunate that the Pakistan Tourism Summit didn't invite any Pakistan -based  Photographers and Vloggers to the Summit. I hope that the Government knows that most of our Tourists are from within the Country. It’s really concerning to me that in a country of 200 million people not a single local travel influencer is being featured in this summit.  There is no one better suited to create content that communicates the wonders of Pakistan than its own photographers, vloggers, bloggers” Our

5 ways to Push your Limits

 " Fail to push past your limits and you’ll leave your dreams unrealized" The only thing stopping you from reaching your goals and dreams are your limits. It’s when you meet the limits that you feel resistance and things you want seem harder to achieve. Whether it is fear, doubt, physical abilities or some other mental block, it can present a huge barrier to getting what you want. 1. Find someone to help push you Just that little bit of support encouraging you to keep going in the face of resistance can mean so much. Having someone on your side can counter-balance any  negative thinking you might have . They can tell you to do more and push you into doing things outside of your comfort zone. 2.Work on your weaknesses Where there are weaknesses, there are limits. Think about a marathon runner. They won’t be able to train very well for a marathon if they can’t find a good running stride or have bad nutrition. These are big areas of weakness that just makes

Markhor (A PAKISTANI SHOE BRAND) Success Story

College dropout Waqas Ali cofounded Markhor, a luxury men's shoe brand to promote Pakistan's indigenous shoe craft. The brand retails online, cutting out the middle-man and helping small-time artisans make a profit. Initially funded through a Kickstarter campaign, Markhor has worked with over 100 craftsmen and craftswomen in the country. Markhor is the first Pakistani startup to be accepted into -- and backed by -- Y Combinator. In 2012, the duo launched Markhor — an online shoe brand that connects indigenous shoe-making craftsmen to global customers — but their journey was not a walk in the park. “The idea started with our small digital media company that provided assistance to people who were not familiar with technology. We would train them on how to use the internet for communication and business proposals,” recalls Ali. It was during this time that they first met Hussain who was striving to keep the craft of shoe-making alive and was convinced the internet was